Many of our clients are getting ominous messages through Facebook Messenger stating that their pages will be either deleted or disabled, or that they have violated a Facebook policy.
These are phishing scams and should be ignored.
Here’s how you can tell:
- The message or tag is from a Facebook User, not Facebook itself. Real communications from Facebook can be checked here.
- You may be tagged in a post and receive a notification. Facebook doesn’t work that way!
- There is often telltale bad writing. Think of all the spam/scam emails you’ve received over the years. They often feel just like that.
- They include embedded links. Generally, Facebook deals with in-app buttons and commands.
Here’s what you should do:
- Do not click on the links. Do not follow any of their directions.
- Untag your organization or page from any offending posts.
- Report the post or message.
Or, if you’re a Xeno Media client, reach out to your account manager and we are happy to help you through the process!

